'Happiness in Sanity; A portrait of Professor Padriac Ratigan'. 18" x 24". 2013.
Acrylic on Canvas, custom framed.
This piece was for a curated art exhibit called 'The Happiest Show on Earth' at the WWA Gallery in Culver City, CA. The show was in honor of Color-Ink Books five year anniversary.
'Happiness in Sanity; A portrait of Professor Padriac Ratigan'. 18" x 24". 2013.
Acrylic on Canvas, custom framed.
This piece was for a curated art exhibit called 'The Happiest Show on Earth' at the WWA Gallery in Culver City, CA. The show was in honor of Color-Ink Books five year anniversary.
All images copyright Joey Potts and JoeyPotts.com 2021 and beyond.